Some free advice to help you get started
Churches, schools, civil organizations, clubs, and more. Any and all groups of various sizes can prosper from the fundraiser program with Glow Products Canada. Sporting events, concerts, plays, dances, fireworks, almost anywhere is an ideal place to help raise money for your group. Schools no longer deal with the bake sale, we can teach you a great opportunity to make more money with less work.
The best thing to do for this fund raiser program is consult one of our phone sales reps and discuss your event. We will explain what items to sell, how much to sell them for, and provide you all the details tips, and hints available. Easily make 3-5 times your investment selling glow, light up, and blinky products at your events. We are here to help you prosper. Call and discuss your needs today! The concept is simple. At your event have a few people walk around with inventory in their possession. As they walk around wearing the glow, light up, and blinky items, people will ask where can I get one? They quickly and easily complete the transaction and keep on walking. Except this time with less product and more money. When they run out, its time to stock up and walk around some more.
Let us teach you to be profitable. Have your group leader call our toll free number and get started right away. These are consumable products and this fundraiser can be repeated at every game, show, concert, or festival. The sooner you start the faster you can profit.
How do I find these events?
Many give the name and phone number of the coordinator of the event. You should always get permission from each event coordinator to sell glow. Don’t be afraid to call up your local newspaper. Your local newspaper usually has lists of upcoming Carnivals, Fairs, or Community Events. Best of all, call the Office of Tourism in your state or provance. It is usually an 800 number and they should send you tons of literature about upcoming events.
What do I say to these event coordinators?
Introduce Yourself! Most coordinators are familiar with our Glow Products and are happy to discuss your possible participation. Tell them that you would like the opportunity to sell Glow Products at Night at their particular event. You can tell them that the product is perfectly safe and sold at major amusement parks throughout the world. They will probably ask for either a fee, or a “piece of the action”. Now it is necessary for you to make what ever deal you can live with. Some cities only require you to buy an inexpensive vendor license. Some cities don’t. Regardless we suggest strongly that you get the appropriate approval and not just “bootleg” at events. When you negotiate your deal with the event coordinator, try to be the “exclusive” Glow Vendor for the event.
Quick, easy, fun, and profitable! That is what will sum up selling toys and novelties. Make it a career or supplement your income, either way start today.
Anywhere! We have customers who sell at all of the following places:
• Concerts
• Flea Markets
• Carnivals
• Festivals
• Bars
• Nightclubs
• Dances
• Offices
Some do it as a full time job, some for fun, and others to supplement their income. Which ever you choose Glow Products Canada can help you do it well.
How to Sell?
This is easy, just wear them. Simply wear or use your products that you are selling and people will ask where you got it. Then you simply tell them you sell them and complete the transaction. We also have customers we have helped set up their web site or even a store front. Which ever your needs are, Glow Products Canada can help.
How much can I make?
Easily 2, 3, 4 times your investment and sometimes more. The market and venue of where you sell will determine how much you can get for your toys and novelties. Compare it to a house in one city which will sell for more or less if it was in another city.
How do I start?
Again simple. Just place your initial order with Glow Products Canada and you are in business.
What should I sell… and how much?
That’s where were specialize. Call now and talk to one of our helpful phone sales reps. We will be happy to recommend which products to start with based on where you will sell and some other specialized criteria we will ask over the phone. 1-866-542-4569 is the best place to start.
Anything else?
Sure there is lots more. We have trained all our phone sales reps with tips, tricks, and hints to help you sell. We have supplies to help you sell and make things easier for large and small vendors.